Thursday, May 5, 2011

::FACEBOOK::. (Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook)

Facebook is a place where you can chat, message, Play games, share thing(what ever u want)
Basicly its like a home of chating.!!

There are many advantages of facebook…we can chat to anyone we want…we can share anything we want on facebook…we can put pictures(profile picture) we can share video and comment on everyones pictures…we can play games on facebook and we can add our friends on facebook…!!

Beside From advantages there are many disadvantages of facebook.!
We don’t consentrate on our studies because of facebook….and spend our whole time on facebook chatting, commenting and etc.
Some people make fake id’s and hack innocent people’s facebook for thgeir purpose and then show bad pictures on someones facebook account..some people fight on facebook on some mis aderstanging for e.g. writing wrong comments..!

We should use facebook properly…don’t abuse…!!!

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